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Information in this area of the website is intended for financial journalists from your jurisdiction only and is not intended for use by members of the public. Should you proceed to access this website and click “Yes, I agree”, you:
Represent and warrant that you are a journalist specialising in the financial sector;
agree that you are accessing this website in your capacity as a financial journalist and not as a member of the general public or as a prospective investor;
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2. confirm you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of the website; and
3. have read and understood the following.
The information on this website is provided for your information only and does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, an invitation, offer, recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell units in the Edinburgh Investment Trust.
All investments carry risk and further details of the risks associated with investing in the Edinburgh Investment Trust can be found in the Key Information Document (KID), or in the legal and key documents available on this website. Please refer to these before making any final investment decisions.
The value of units and the income generated from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed and investors may not get back the amount originally subscribed.